Jessalynne is a freelance writer based in Kentucky and has been freelancing since 2011. She specializes in SEO, ghostwriting and general web content creation.
David Norris, winner of the CompTIA ANZ Cybersecurity Leadership Award, outlines practical ways tech businesses and MSPs can improve cybersecurity, highlights pressing cybersecurity issues and explains what CompTIA can offer the MSP community.
Christopher Jeffery, CompTIA ANZ Future Leader Spotlight Award winner, is setting the perfect example of what an IT leader should be. His generosity as a mentor and educator is helping develop tomorrow’s tech leaders.
“I’m passionate about creating a future where women have a seat at the table in IT,” Yvette McEnearney, CompTIA ANZ Advancing Women in Technology Leadership Spotlight Award winner, said. Find out how she’s reshaping the direction of the industry.